TEXTMINE LIMITED contact data: address, phone, fax, email, website, opening hours


Region: SW6 4LX


Telephone: +44 (1855) 6149022 +44 (1855) 6149022

Fax: +44 (1253) 1116354 +44 (1253) 1116354

E-Mail: n/a


Owner / Director / Manager of TEXTMINE LIMITED: n/a

Opening hours:

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We have found such data of TEXTMINE LIMITED, SW6 4LX as: company information, confirmation statement (annual return), company accounts, finance, vacancies. Download bank accounts, tenders, credit history, taxes and fees TEXTMINE LIMITED. Download full report as zip-file.

Registration data of TEXTMINE LIMITED

Company Number: 02950581
Incorporation Date: 20/07/1994
Dissolution Date: 11/02/1997
Company Category: Private Limited Company
Company Status: Dissolved
Capital: 988,000 GBP
Sales, per year: Approximately 599,000,000 GBP
Credit rating: Negative
Employees: More 500

Previous names of TEXTMINE LIMITED

Previous names aren't found

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Main kinds of activities for TEXTMINE LIMITED

None Supplied

Addition kinds of activities for TEXTMINE LIMITED

363402. Electric household cooking utensils
515499. Livestock, nec
20879905. Pastes, flavoring
26719900. Paper; coated and laminated packaging, nec
31110605. Vellum leather
31310203. Heel lifts, leather
34710107. Plating of metals or formed products
55510203. Kayaks
64110300. Insurance agents and brokers
80599903. Home for the mentally retarded, ex. skilled or intermediate

Work at TEXTMINE LIMITED: open vacancies, career, training, practice

There are not any open vacancies for TEXTMINE LIMITED now. Look at opened vacancies in other companies.

  • Research Associate in Intelligent Transport Systems (Sydney - Australia)

    Region: Sydney - Australia

    Company: The University of Sydney

    Department: Australian Centre for Field Robotics (ACFR)

    Salary: AU$106,000
    £65,306.60 converted salary* per annum, includes leave loading and superannuation

    Hours: Full Time

    Contract type: Fixed-Term/Contract

    Type / Role: Academic or Research

    Categories: Mathematics and Statistics, Mathematics, Computer Science, Computer Science, Software Engineering, Information Systems, Artificial Intelligence, Engineering and Technology, Mechanical Engineering, Aerospace Engineering, Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Other Engineering

  • Research Assistant (Part Time, Fixed Term) (Cambridge)

    Region: Cambridge

    Company: University of Cambridge

    Department: Department of Biochemistry

    Salary: £25,298 to £29,301 pro rata

    Hours: Full Time

    Contract type: Fixed-Term/Contract

    Type / Role: Academic or Research

    Categories: Biological Sciences, Biology, Genetics, Biochemistry

  • Tissue Bank Phlebotomist (City Of London)

    Region: City Of London

    Company: Queen Mary University of London

    Department: Barts Cancer Institute - Director’s Office

    Salary: £18,096 to £19,430 per annum incl. London allowance (grade 2).

    Hours: Full Time

    Contract type: Fixed-Term/Contract

    Type / Role: Academic or Research

    Categories: Health and Medical, Medicine and Dentistry, Biological Sciences, Biology

  • Lecturer in Sports & Exercise Medicine (London)

    Region: London

    Company: Barts and The London

    Department: The William Harvey Research Institute (WHRI)

    Salary: £40,865 to £43,152

    Hours: Full Time

    Contract type: Permanent

    Type / Role: Academic or Research

    Categories: Health and Medical, Anatomy, Physiology and Pathology, Sport and Leisure, Sports Science

  • Scientific Officer (Alderley, Manchester)

    Region: Alderley, Manchester

    Company: The University of Manchester

    Department: Molecular Biology Core Facility

    Salary: £19,600 to £31,900 (dependent upon experience) per annum

    Hours: Full Time

    Contract type: Permanent

    Type / Role: Academic or Research

    Categories: Health and Medical, Medicine and Dentistry, Anatomy, Physiology and Pathology, Biological Sciences, Biology, Genetics, Molecular Biology and Biophysics, Biochemistry

  • Practice Learning Tutor (Social Work) (Cambridge)

    Region: Cambridge

    Company: Anglia Ruskin University

    Department: Teaching, Research & Scholarship

    Salary: £32,004 to £37,075 per annum

    Hours: Full Time

    Contract type: Permanent

    Type / Role: Academic or Research

    Categories: Social Sciences and Social Care, Social Work

  • Research Development Manager (53138-087) (Coventry)

    Region: Coventry

    Company: University of Warwick

    Department: School of Engineering

    Salary: £39,992 to £47,722 per annum.

    Hours: Full Time

    Contract type: Permanent

    Type / Role: Professional or Managerial

    Categories: Fundraising and Alumni

  • Head of ST School Public Health Medicine/Medical Microbiology (Cardiff)

    Region: Cardiff

    Company: Cardiff University

    Department: School of Postgraduate Medical & Dental Education

    Salary: £74,393 to £96,583

    Hours: Full Time

    Contract type: Permanent

    Type / Role: Academic or Research

    Categories: Health and Medical, Medicine and Dentistry, Biological Sciences, Microbiology, Senior Management

  • Lecturer in Marketing (Colchester)

    Region: Colchester

    Company: University of Essex

    Department: Essex Business School

    Salary: £39,993 to £47,722 per annum

    Hours: Full Time

    Contract type: Permanent

    Type / Role: Academic or Research

    Categories: Business and Management Studies, Marketing

  • Faculty Position in Structural Engineering (Erbil - Iraq)

    Region: Erbil - Iraq

    Company: University of Kurdistan Hewler

    Department: N\A

    Salary: Commensurate with qualifications and experience.

    Hours: Full Time

    Contract type: Fixed-Term/Contract

    Type / Role: Academic or Research

    Categories: Engineering and Technology, Civil Engineering, Other Engineering

  • UTRCI Research Scientist, Communication Systems (Cork)

    Region: Cork

    Company: N\A

    Department: N\A

    Salary: Competitive compensation and benefits package

    Hours: Full Time

    Contract type: Permanent

    Type / Role: Academic or Research

    Categories: Computer Science, Computer Science, Software Engineering, Artificial Intelligence, Engineering and Technology, Electrical and Electronic Engineering

  • PhD Studentships in Aquatic Ecology (Estonia, Berlin - Germany, Geneva - Switzerland)

    Region: Estonia, Berlin - Germany, Geneva - Switzerland

    Company: Dundalk Institute of Technology

    Department: N\A

    Salary: N\A

    Hours: Full Time

    Contract type: N\A

    Type / Role: PhD

    Categories: Biological Sciences, Biology, Physical and Environmental Sciences, Environmental Sciences

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TEXTMINE LIMITED is a private limited company located in SW6 4LX, The United Kingdom. Company TEXTMINE LIMITED is registered at 20/07/1994 and issued with Company Number as 02950581; now company's status is dissolved. We have found out such reports and documents as address, phone, contacts TEXTMINE LIMITED 2024, vacancies, responds, credits, finance, company information, confirmation statement (annual return), company accounts and official information from Companies House. Founded capital is 988,000 GBP, sales per year are seted up as approximately 599,000,000 GBP, with credit rating as negative. More 500 employees work in the company.
The main activity of TEXTMINE LIMITED is Agricultural Production - Livestock and Animal Specialties, including 10 other directions. Products made in TEXTMINE LIMITED are not found. Its contact method and company information is as below. Information about owner, director or manager of TEXTMINE LIMITED is not found. You can also view reviews of TEXTMINE LIMITED, open vacancies, location of TEXTMINE LIMITED on the map. In total the company use 0 trading names. For more information visit the site or send request using contact data. Company has finished activity at 11/02/1997

TEXTMINE LIMITED, SW6 4LX 2024: full company contacts: phone, email, website, address TEXTMINE LIMITED, credits, responds, work TEXTMINE LIMITED finance, vacancies and job, contacts finance sectors TEXTMINE LIMITED, company information, confirmation statement (annual return), company accounts