MOLCARE LIMITED contact data: address, phone, fax, email, website, opening hours
Region: CLWYD
Telephone: +44 (1723) 9751196 +44 (1723) 9751196
Fax: +44 (1548) 1648074 +44 (1548) 1648074
E-Mail: n/a
Website: n/a
Owner / Director / Manager of MOLCARE LIMITED: n/a
Opening hours:
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Main kinds of activities for MOLCARE LIMITED
9305 - Other service activities
Addition kinds of activities for MOLCARE LIMITED
0723. Crop preparation services for market
701100. Hotels and motels
07810102. Horticultural counseling services
07820000. Lawn and garden services
26750304. Stencil cards, die-cut: made from purchased materials
32559903. Foundry refractories, clay
36439902. Ground clamps (electric wiring devices)
38420412. Hearing aids
73420203. Pest control in structures
Work at MOLCARE LIMITED: open vacancies, career, training, practice
There are not any open vacancies for MOLCARE LIMITED now. Look at opened vacancies in other companies.
Senior Lecturer in Public Health (Chelmsford)
Region: Chelmsford
Company: Anglia Ruskin University
Department: Faculty of Medical Science
Salary: £38,183 to £46,924 p.a.
Hours: Full Time
Contract type: Permanent
Type / Role: Academic or Research
Categories: Health and Medical, Medicine and Dentistry, Social Sciences and Social Care, Other Social Sciences
Research Fellow in Stroke and Brain Repair (Edinburgh)
Region: Edinburgh
Company: University of Edinburgh
Department: N\A
Salary: £32,548 to £38,833
Hours: Full Time
Contract type: Fixed-Term/Contract
Type / Role: Academic or Research
Categories: Health and Medical, Medicine and Dentistry, Anatomy, Physiology and Pathology, Biological Sciences, Biology, Microbiology
Trainer - Rail Engineering (Rochester)
Region: Rochester
Company: Novus
Department: N\A
Salary: £22.42 per hour (subject to job evaluation)
Hours: Full Time, Part Time
Contract type: Permanent
Type / Role: Academic or Research
Categories: Engineering and Technology, Mechanical Engineering, Other Engineering
Research Associate/Fellow (Cardiff)
Region: Cardiff
Company: Cardiff University
Department: Cardiff School of Engineering
Salary: £32,548 to £47,722 Grade 6/7 p.a.
Hours: Full Time
Contract type: Fixed-Term/Contract
Type / Role: Academic or Research
Categories: Physical and Environmental Sciences, Chemistry, Physics and Astronomy, Engineering and Technology, Electrical and Electronic Engineering
Impact and Partnership Development Officer - Defence, Security, Conflict (Exeter)
Region: Exeter
Company: University of Exeter
Department: Innovation, Impact and Business
Salary: £26,495 to £29,799 per annum, depending on skills and experience
Hours: Full Time
Contract type: Permanent
Type / Role: Professional or Managerial
Categories: Administrative, PR, Marketing, Sales and Communication, International Activities
Lecturer in Epidemiology (Suzhou - China)
Region: Suzhou - China
Company: N\A
Department: N\A
Salary: Not specified
Hours: Full Time
Contract type: Fixed-Term/Contract
Type / Role: Academic or Research
Categories: Health and Medical, Medicine and Dentistry
Research Associate* in the Mechanics of Materials Division (London)
Region: London
Company: Imperial College London
Department: Department of Mechanical Engineering
Salary: £36,800 to £44,220 per annum
Hours: Full Time
Contract type: Fixed-Term/Contract
Type / Role: Academic or Research
Categories: Physical and Environmental Sciences, Materials Science, Physics and Astronomy, Engineering and Technology, Mechanical Engineering, Metallurgy and Minerals Technology
Research Associate (Sheffield)
Region: Sheffield
Company: University of Sheffield
Department: Management School
Salary: £30,688 to £38,833 per annum. Potential to progress to £42,418 per annum through sustained exceptional contribution.
Hours: Full Time
Contract type: Fixed-Term/Contract
Type / Role: Academic or Research
Categories: Psychology, Computer Science, Software Engineering, Business and Management Studies, Management, Other Business and Management Studies
Development Officer (Oxford)
Region: Oxford
Company: University of Oxford
Department: Lady Margaret Hall
Salary: £26,000 to £32,000
Hours: Full Time
Contract type: Permanent
Type / Role: Professional or Managerial
Categories: Fundraising and Alumni, PR, Marketing, Sales and Communication
Research Fellow (Maternity Cover) (Southampton)
Region: Southampton
Company: University of Southampton
Department: Southampton General Hospital - Epigenetics
Salary: £29,301 per annum
Hours: Full Time
Contract type: Fixed-Term/Contract
Type / Role: Academic or Research
Categories: Biological Sciences, Biology, Genetics, Other Biological Sciences
Tenure Track Research Fellowships in Energy and Sustainability (Keele)
Region: Keele
Company: Keele University
Department: N\A
Salary: £32,004 to £48,327 Grade 7/8 p.a.
Hours: Full Time
Contract type: Fixed-Term/Contract
Type / Role: Academic or Research
Categories: Physical and Environmental Sciences, Chemistry, Materials Science, Computer Science, Computer Science, Software Engineering, Information Systems, Engineering and Technology, Civil Engineering, Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Other Engineering, Social Sciences and Social Care, Human and Social Geography
Health, Safety and Environment Manager (Aberystwyth)
Region: Aberystwyth
Company: Aberystwyth University
Department: Health, Safety and Environment Office
Salary: £49,772 to £55,998 per annum.
Hours: Full Time
Contract type: Permanent
Type / Role: Professional or Managerial
Categories: Property and Maintenance, Senior Management
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MOLCARE LIMITED is a private limited company located in CLWYD, The United Kingdom. Company MOLCARE LIMITED is registered at 20/07/1994 and issued with Company Number as 02950796; now company's status is dissolved. We have found out such reports and documents as address, phone, contacts MOLCARE LIMITED 2024, vacancies, responds, credits, finance, company information, confirmation statement (annual return), company accounts and official information from Companies House. Founded capital is 321,000 GBP, sales per year are seted up as more 450,000,000 GBP, with credit rating as low. Approx. 200 employees work in the company.
The main activity of MOLCARE LIMITED is Public Finance, Taxation and Monetary Policy, including 9 other directions. Products made in MOLCARE LIMITED are not found. Its contact method and company information is as below. Information about owner, director or manager of MOLCARE LIMITED is not found. You can also view reviews of MOLCARE LIMITED, open vacancies, location of MOLCARE LIMITED on the map. In total the company use 0 trading names. For more information visit the site or send request using contact data. Company has finished activity at 16/01/2001