All UK companiesReal EstateTHE HORSE FEDERATION

THE HORSE FEDERATION contact data: address, phone, fax, email, website, opening hours




Telephone: +44 (0161) 7297118 +44 (0161) 7297118

Fax: +44 (1203) 6543255 +44 (1203) 6543255

E-Mail: n/a


Owner / Director / Manager of THE HORSE FEDERATION: n/a

Opening hours:

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We have found such data of THE HORSE FEDERATION, YORKSHIRE as: company information, confirmation statement (annual return), company accounts, finance, vacancies. Download bank accounts, tenders, credit history, taxes and fees THE HORSE FEDERATION. Download full report as zip-file.

Registration data of THE HORSE FEDERATION

Company Number: 03193948
Incorporation Date: 02/05/1996
Company Category: PRI/LBG/NSC (Private, Limited by guarantee, no share capital, use of 'Limited' exemption)
Company Status: Active
Capital: 735,000 GBP
Sales, per year: Less 165,000,000 GBP
Credit rating: Negative
Employees: More 30

Previous names of THE HORSE FEDERATION

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Main kinds of activities for THE HORSE FEDERATION

65120 - Non-life insurance

Addition kinds of activities for THE HORSE FEDERATION

225300. Knit outerwear mills
20330204. Preserves, including imitation: in cans, jars, etc.
27599916. Ready prints
31999904. Desk sets, leather
82990500. Reading and speaking schools

Work at THE HORSE FEDERATION: open vacancies, career, training, practice

There are not any open vacancies for THE HORSE FEDERATION now. Look at opened vacancies in other companies.

  • Research Assistant (London)

    Region: London

    Company: University College London

    Department: Developmental Biology and Cancer

    Salary: £29,809 to £31,432 per annum, inclusive of London Allowance

    Hours: Full Time

    Contract type: Fixed-Term/Contract

    Type / Role: Academic or Research

    Categories: Health and Medical, Anatomy, Physiology and Pathology, Biological Sciences, Genetics, Molecular Biology and Biophysics

  • Lecturer in Biomedical Sciences (Birmingham)

    Region: Birmingham

    Company: Birmingham City University

    Department: Department of Life Sciences, School of Health and Life Sciences

    Salary: £35,698 to £38,802 per annum

    Hours: Full Time

    Contract type: Permanent

    Type / Role: Academic or Research

    Categories: Health and Medical, Anatomy, Physiology and Pathology, Pharmacology, Toxicology and Pharmacy, Biological Sciences, Biology, Genetics, Microbiology, Molecular Biology and Biophysics, Biochemistry

  • Research Associate - Project Manager in Prostate Cancer Innovation (Fixed Term) (Cambridge)

    Region: Cambridge

    Company: University of Cambridge

    Department: Department of Surgery

    Salary: £30,175 to £38,183

    Hours: Full Time

    Contract type: Fixed-Term/Contract

    Type / Role: Academic or Research

    Categories: Health and Medical, Medicine and Dentistry, Anatomy, Physiology and Pathology, Medical Technology, Biological Sciences, Biology

  • Lecturer in Cyber Security (Lancaster)

    Region: Lancaster

    Company: Lancaster University

    Department: Computing and Communications

    Salary: £34,520 to £47,722

    Hours: Full Time

    Contract type: Permanent

    Type / Role: Academic or Research

    Categories: Computer Science, Computer Science, Information Systems, Artificial Intelligence, Media and Communications, Communication Studies

  • Postdoctoral Research Fellow in Coastal Communities in South East Asia (Penryn)

    Region: Penryn

    Company: University of Exeter

    Department: University of Exeter Medical School (UEMS) & College of Life & Environmental Sciences (CLES)

    Salary: £34,520 depending on qualifications and experience.

    Hours: Full Time

    Contract type: Fixed-Term/Contract

    Type / Role: Academic or Research

    Categories: Physical and Environmental Sciences, Environmental Sciences, Social Sciences and Social Care, Human and Social Geography

  • Lecturer/Senior Lecturer/Reader in Accounting (Colchester)

    Region: Colchester

    Company: N\A

    Department: N\A

    Salary: £39,993 to £56,951 per annum (see advert text for details)

    Hours: Full Time

    Contract type: Permanent

    Type / Role: Academic or Research

    Categories: Business and Management Studies, Accountancy and Finance

  • Postdoctoral Research Assistant in Model Inference applied to T Cells (Oxford)

    Region: Oxford

    Company: University of Oxford

    Department: Sir William Dunn School of Pathology

    Salary: £31,076 to £38,183 Grade 7 p.a.

    Hours: Full Time

    Contract type: Fixed-Term/Contract

    Type / Role: Academic or Research

    Categories: Physical and Environmental Sciences, Physics and Astronomy, Mathematics and Statistics, Mathematics, Computer Science, Computer Science

  • Evaluation Director (Brussels - Belgium, London)

    Region: Brussels - Belgium, London

    Company: N\A

    Department: N\A

    Salary: Not specified

    Hours: Full Time

    Contract type: Permanent

    Type / Role: Academic or Research

    Categories: Social Sciences and Social Care, Social Policy, PR, Marketing, Sales and Communication, Senior Management, International Activities

  • High-end Transmission Electron Microscope Operations & Maintenance Personnel (Beijing - China)

    Region: Beijing - China

    Company: N\A

    Department: N\A

    Salary: ¥200,000 to ¥300,000
    £22,800 to £34,200 converted salary* per annum

    Hours: Full Time

    Contract type: Fixed-Term/Contract

    Type / Role: Academic or Research

    Categories: Biological Sciences, Biology, Microbiology, Biochemistry, Other Biological Sciences, Physical and Environmental Sciences, Chemistry, Materials Science, Physics and Astronomy

  • Researcher and Technical Development Officer (Computer Science) (Oxford)

    Region: Oxford

    Company: University of Oxford

    Department: Oxford Internet Institute

    Salary: £31,076 to £38,183 Grade 7 p.a.

    Hours: Full Time

    Contract type: Fixed-Term/Contract

    Type / Role: Academic or Research

    Categories: Computer Science, Computer Science, Social Sciences and Social Care, Sociology, Social Policy, Other Social Sciences, IT

  • Senior Research Associate in Hydrology, Agriculture and Human Health (Oxford)

    Region: Oxford

    Company: University of Oxford

    Department: School of Geography and the Environment

    Salary: £39,324 Grade 8 p.a.

    Hours: Full Time

    Contract type: Fixed-Term/Contract

    Type / Role: Academic or Research

    Categories: Agriculture, Food and Veterinary, Agriculture, Physical and Environmental Sciences, Environmental Sciences

  • Authors/Module Developers in Accountancy and Finance - London, Birmingham and Manchester (Online)

    Region: Online

    Company: N\A

    Department: N\A

    Salary: Competitive

    Hours: Part Time

    Contract type: Fixed-Term/Contract

    Type / Role: Academic or Research

    Categories: Business and Management Studies, Accountancy and Finance

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THE HORSE FEDERATION is a pri/lbg/nsc (private, limited by guarantee, no share capital, use of 'limited' exemption) located in YORKSHIRE, The United Kingdom. Company THE HORSE FEDERATION is registered at 02/05/1996 and issued with Company Number as 03193948; now company's status is active. We have found out such reports and documents as address, phone, contacts THE HORSE FEDERATION 2025, vacancies, responds, credits, finance, company information, confirmation statement (annual return), company accounts and official information from Companies House. Founded capital is 735,000 GBP, sales per year are seted up as less 165,000,000 GBP, with credit rating as negative. More 30 employees work in the company.
The main activity of THE HORSE FEDERATION is Real Estate, including 5 other directions. Products made in THE HORSE FEDERATION are not found. Its contact method and company information is as below. Information about owner, director or manager of THE HORSE FEDERATION is not found. You can also view reviews of THE HORSE FEDERATION, open vacancies, location of THE HORSE FEDERATION on the map. In total the company use 0 trading names. For more information visit the site or send request using contact data.

THE HORSE FEDERATION, YORKSHIRE 2025: full company contacts: phone, email, website, address THE HORSE FEDERATION, credits, responds, work THE HORSE FEDERATION finance, vacancies and job, contacts finance sectors THE HORSE FEDERATION, company information, confirmation statement (annual return), company accounts