LEASE CO. LIMITED contact data: address, phone, fax, email, website, opening hours
Region: DORSET
Telephone: +44 (1245) 5563273 +44 (1245) 5563273
Fax: +44 (1467) 6480510 +44 (1467) 6480510
E-Mail: n/a
Website: n/a
Owner / Director / Manager of LEASE CO. LIMITED: n/a
Opening hours:
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Main kinds of activities for LEASE CO. LIMITED
7110 - Renting of automobiles
7121 - Rent other land transport equipment
Addition kinds of activities for LEASE CO. LIMITED
7519. Utility trailer rental
549901. Health and dietetic food stores
17990203. Coating of metal structures at construction site
34999903. Aquarium accessories, metal
38220501. Electric heat proportioning controls, modulating controls
50820402. Crushing, pulverizing and screening machinery
50910301. Fishing tackle
Work at LEASE CO. LIMITED: open vacancies, career, training, practice
There are not any open vacancies for LEASE CO. LIMITED now. Look at opened vacancies in other companies.
Doctoral Candidate Position in Mechatronics (PhD student position) (Espoo - Finland)
Region: Espoo - Finland
Company: Aalto University
Department: Department of Mechanical Engineering
Salary: N\A
Hours: Full Time
Contract type: N\A
Type / Role: PhD
Categories: Engineering and Technology, Mechanical Engineering, Electrical and Electronic Engineering
Practice Education Lecturer in Nurse Education (4 posts) (Ormskirk)
Region: Ormskirk
Company: Edge Hill University
Department: Faculty of Health & Social Care
Salary: £32,958 to £37,075 per annum
Hours: Full Time
Contract type: Permanent
Type / Role: Academic or Research
Categories: Health and Medical, Nursing
NIHR Academic Clinical Lecturer in Paediatric Dentistry (Leeds)
Region: Leeds
Company: University of Leeds
Department: Department of Paediatric Dentistry - School of Dentistry
Salary: £31,931 to £59,401 p.a. Grade: Dental Lecturer
Hours: Full Time
Contract type: Fixed-Term/Contract
Type / Role: Academic or Research
Categories: Health and Medical, Medicine and Dentistry
Lecturer in Urban Design (Sheffield)
Region: Sheffield
Company: University of Sheffield
Department: School of Architecture
Salary: Please see details below
Hours: Full Time
Contract type: Permanent
Type / Role: Academic or Research
Categories: Architecture, Building and Planning, Architecture and Building, Urban and Rural Planning
Institute of Arab and Islamic Studies Manager (Exeter)
Region: Exeter
Company: University of Exeter
Department: College of Social Sciences and International Studies – Institute of Arabic and Islamic Studies
Salary: £26,495 pro rata
Hours: Part Time
Contract type: Permanent
Type / Role: Professional or Managerial
Categories: Administrative
Postdoctoral Research Fellow (Edinburgh)
Region: Edinburgh
Company: University of Edinburgh
Department: N\A
Salary: £32,548 to £38,833 per annum
Hours: Full Time
Contract type: Fixed-Term/Contract
Type / Role: Academic or Research
Categories: Biological Sciences, Biology, Genetics, Molecular Biology and Biophysics
Senior Research Associate (Bristol)
Region: Bristol
Company: University of Bristol
Department: School of Biological Sciences
Salary: £36,613 to £41,212 per annum
Hours: Part Time
Contract type: Permanent
Type / Role: Academic or Research
Categories: Biological Sciences, Biology, Molecular Biology and Biophysics, Biochemistry
Senior Lecturer in Digital Media (Coventry)
Region: Coventry
Company: Coventry University
Department: N\A
Salary: £37,083 to £52,800 per annum. Grade 8.
Hours: Full Time
Contract type: Permanent
Type / Role: Academic or Research
Categories: Computer Science, Computer Science, Media and Communications, Media Studies
Lecturer/Senior Lecturer in Games Design and Development (Bournemouth)
Region: Bournemouth
Company: Bournemouth University
Department: Department of Creative Technology
Salary: £32,958 to £46,924 per annum
Hours: Full Time
Contract type: Permanent
Type / Role: Academic or Research
Categories: Computer Science, Computer Science, Software Engineering, Information Systems, Artificial Intelligence, Creative Arts and Design, Design, Other Creative Arts
PhD Studentship in Modelling Techniques for Ultrasound in Fluids and Fluid-solid Interactions (London)
Region: London
Company: Imperial College London
Department: Department of Mechanical Engineering
Salary: N\A
Hours: Full Time
Contract type: N\A
Type / Role: PhD
Categories: Physical and Environmental Sciences, Physics and Astronomy, Mathematics and Statistics, Mathematics, Computer Science, Computer Science, Engineering and Technology, Mechanical Engineering, Other Engineering
Postdoctoral Research Associate - Machine Learning / Big Data analysis (London)
Region: London
Company: King's College London
Department: Division of Psychology and System Sciences
Salary: £32,004 to £32,958
Hours: Full Time
Contract type: Fixed-Term/Contract
Type / Role: Academic or Research
Categories: Health and Medical, Medicine and Dentistry, Anatomy, Physiology and Pathology, Medical Technology, Psychology, Computer Science, Computer Science
Researcher Position in Artificial Intelligence and Big Data (Singapore)
Region: Singapore
Company: N\A
Department: N\A
Salary: Internationally competitive remuneration
Hours: Full Time
Contract type: Fixed-Term/Contract
Type / Role: Academic or Research
Categories: Computer Science, Computer Science, Software Engineering, Information Systems, Artificial Intelligence
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Location LEASE CO. LIMITED on the Google Maps. Address and contact LEASE CO. LIMITED
LEASE CO. LIMITED is a private limited company located in DORSET, The United Kingdom. Company LEASE CO. LIMITED is registered at 18/09/1995 and issued with Company Number as 03103185; now company's status is dissolved. We have found out such reports and documents as address, phone, contacts LEASE CO. LIMITED 2024, vacancies, responds, credits, finance, company information, confirmation statement (annual return), company accounts and official information from Companies House. Founded capital is 516,000 GBP, sales per year are seted up as less 780,000,000 GBP, with credit rating as negative. More 200 employees work in the company.
The main activity of LEASE CO. LIMITED is Forestry, including 7 other directions. Products made in LEASE CO. LIMITED are not found. Its contact method and company information is as below. Information about owner, director or manager of LEASE CO. LIMITED is not found. You can also view reviews of LEASE CO. LIMITED, open vacancies, location of LEASE CO. LIMITED on the map. In total the company use 0 trading names. For more information visit the site or send request using contact data. Company has finished activity at 03/11/2009