Find and check a company in The United Kingdom - Companies House 2025

The United Kingdom Company Search 2025

The details of live registered companies are held by Companies House. The main responsibilities of Companies House are to: incorporate and dissolve limited companies; register, examine and store company information; make information available to the public.

You can use the Companies House WebCHeck service to access basic company information, including: the nature of business; registered office address; whether the company is live or dissolved; previous company names.

Companies House has several regional Information Centres where you can find the main index to company numbers and, at the Information Centre in Cardiff, a card index to companies dissolved before 1 January 1963. Each card in this index indicates whether the file has been destroyed or transferred to The National Archives.

If it has been transferred it will be marked with a BT 31 reference (see section 8), as well as the company number and the date of dissolution. If the company has been taken over it may also give details of the successor company.

You should contact Companies House for company registrations made under the Limited Partnership Act, 1907 and newspapers registered under the Newspaper Libel and Registration Act, 1881.

eFinding can help you do smart business in 2025

Completing a company credit check or company director check can help you manage your business credit risk in a number of different ways

Before spending a large amount of money on a product or service, you need to know whether the supplier you’re buying from can deliver. Conducting company searches or free director searches can reveal invaluable information about a business you are about to deal with, including the company credit rating, outstanding CCJs and 5 years of detailed financial accounts. Viewing these indicates the likelihood that the business will be able to repay their liabilities to you.

Similarly, if you make a product or provide a service, and a company wants you to provide them with credit rather than payment upfront - a report on your credits, accounts and directors can give you some idea if the business will be able to pay you for what you’ll be providing.

Partnering with another company

Before your business enters into a relationship with another company, utilise the information that a company credit and director check can provide you with and ascertain how wise it would be to associate yourself with that company.

These are just a few of the scenarios where performing searches on businesses of interest could help you. These services, such as director reports, free update alerts and company documents (you can download copies of documents such as confirmation statements and company accounts) should become a key part of your arsenal when deciding who you do and don’t work with.

Credit check companies today and find out who you’re really doing business with.

We offer

Reliable company information, delivered instantly

Quality data

Our company reports give you an up to date and in-depth view, including full accounts information.

Simple to use

View each report instantly from your online management portal, or download as a PDF for convenience.

Company credit score and limit

Avoid risky business decisions. All reports show a credit score and suggest a credit limit.

Accounts and financial performance

Access up to 5 years of accounts and financial details including turnover, profit and loss, balance sheets and capital reserves.

CCJs and legal records

Check for CCJs (or Scottish Decrees) as well as other legal notices, mortgages or charges.

Free service

The Companies House offers absolutly free access and manage any credit accounts you have

Perform a company search, find company the UK 2025 credit check reports and access full UK company accounts 2025, director search and more with eFinding.